Inorder Successor in BST

Given a binary search tree and a node in it, find the in-order successor of that node in the BST.

Note: If the given node has no in-order successor in the tree, return null.


  • iterative:


The inorder traversal of a BST is the nodes in ascending order.

To find a successor, you just need to find the smallest one that is larger than the given value since there are no duplicate values in a BST.

It just like the binary search in a sorted list.

The time complexity should be O(h) where h is the depth of the result node. succ is a pointer that keeps the possible successor.

Whenever you go left the current root is the new possible successor, otherwise the it remains the same.

Only in a balanced BST O(h) = O(log n). In the worst case h can be as large as n.

  • recursive:

let's take the successor for example, basically we always want to find p's closest node (in inorder traversal) and the node's value is larger than p's value, right? That node can either be p's parent or the smallest node in p' right branch.

When the code runs into the else block, that means the current root is either p's parent or a node in p's right branch.

If it's p's parent node, there are two scenarios: 1. p doesn't have right child, in this case, the recursion will eventually return null, so p's parent is the successor; 2. p has right child, then the recursion will return the smallest node in the right sub tree, and that will be the answer.

If it's p's right child, there are two scenarios: 1. the right child has left sub tree, eventually the smallest node from the left sub tree will be the answer; 2. the right child has no left sub tree, the recursion will return null, then the right child (root) is our answer.



public class Solution {
    public TreeNode inorderSuccessor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p) {
        TreeNode succ = null;
        while (root != null) {
            if (p.val < root.val) {
                succ = root;
                root = root.left;
                root = root.right;
        return succ;


public TreeNode successor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p) {
  if (root == null)
    return null;

  if (root.val <= p.val) {
    return successor(root.right, p);
  } else {
    TreeNode left = successor(root.left, p);
    return (left != null) ? left : root;


public TreeNode predecessor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p) {
  if (root == null)
    return null;

  if (root.val >= p.val) {
    return predecessor(root.left, p);
  } else {
    TreeNode right = predecessor(root.right, p);
    return (right != null) ? right : root;

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